How to get your business featured in the Australian Financial Review

How to get your business featured in the Australian Financial Review


Jessica Sier is one of a small team of journalists that covers technology at the Fin Review. She specifically looks at internet culture, IT, startups and cryptocurrencies (until mid-December 2021) while Yolanda Redrup Co-Edits The Australian Financial Review’s Street Talk Column.

Paul Smith is the Technology Editor and is responsible for what stories or topics tend to get a run and Jess says he loves a good capital raise, so any company raising money they are keen to hear about it. And, the bigger number that capital raise the better!

But who exactly reads the AFR? Those looking to make money, those looking to put their money somewhere or those looking to thieve ideas from other people to make money!

When it comes to editorial, bigger is better at the Australian Financial Review. So, if you’re pitching don’t forget to include big figures, big capital raising, big losses (too) and big partnerships. That kind of energy will stop Jess in her tracks!

Where does the AFR find stories?
They leverage publicists and those reaching out with a good story #highfive Jess thinks PR is crucial to the tech beat and really values those who have their ear to the ground, know what’s going on and what’s already in the news. So, if you’ve got a client that’s reflective of a broader trend they’ve been reporting on already, give Jess a shout, she finds that useful.

Jess covers Internet culture, but what is that, exactly?
Broadly speaking she’s a fan of e-sports, gaming and making money in weird corners of the Internet, like CryptoKitties, digital horse racing and anywhere where people are making Internet bets on stuff. She also likes looking at consumer behaviour; why are people looking at these platforms and what makes them attractive.

A word on Startups
It’s tricky getting coverage in the AFR because a lot of the time they aren’t up and running or there is no data to support how much they are worth. Generally, they are interested in listed companies, where they can have complete access to the financials, they like transparency. Exceptions include startups in the middle of a big capital raise or if the raise is reflective of a broader trend or novel technology. However, keep in mind the AFR is not enthused to be part of someone’s media plan, a capital raise is one thing but just a product launch won’t cut it. And it’s not useful for their readers either.

Need to get in touch with Jess, email her before 1pm and if your pitch was good, you can be sure it’s been bookmarked. Good luck.

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