In the latest edition of the PR Yourself newsletter, we give you the lowdown on what's been happening in lockdown, our Dry July essentials and key PR dates for the diary. As per usual, the round-up also includes all of the latest hacks and publicity...

Not all businesses have a fully-fledged marketing or PR team at their disposal, so if you're wondering WTF to say (or not say) during the Coronavirus crisis, we've put together some pointers to help you feel prepared, not panicked. The role of a PR professional is...

If you're keen to kick off the new decade with a new era of productivity, we're hosting an exciting event at Bustle Studios in Sydney on February 20, which promises to hype you up and get sh*t done. 2020: Now What? Marketing Hacks & Mindset Hypnosis...

Hosting an event? Make sure people know it's happening and come along by promoting it in all the right places. There are several sites dedicated to free event listings, here's our guide to the best ones across the country including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and...